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Abogado de Accidentes
Accident Attorneys
Accidents happen, and if you Are the victim you may need an aggressive accident lawyer
Harlingen TX has more than its fair share of vehicle accidents. The Harlingen Police Department and City of Harlingen both work hard to minimize accidents. But…
Accidents happen. That’s the reality. Car accidents happen and you (or one of your loved ones) may be the victim. A vehicle accident (car or truck) can cause serious health injury to you, your passengers, or property injury or both. A car accident lawyer can fight for your rights and, best of all, work on a contingency basis (no fees unless we win).
Common Questions on Vehicle Accidents
Accidents of all types happen in Hidalgo County. Not just car accidents, but trucking accidents, pedestrian accidents and other types of vehicle accidents. We get a lot of questions from accident victims after an accident. Remember: call us at (956) 300-0007.
Here are some of our most common:
- Q. What to do after a car accident in Harlingen?
- It is recommended that you “preserve the scene” and not move the vehicles so that the investigating officer can determine who was at fault. You can also offer to help the driver or passengers of the other vehicle, but do not admit to fault or apologies for the accident, even if you think it could be your fault. Take pictures of your vehicle, but most importantly, take photos of the other vehicle. The damage to the other vehicle is relevant in determining the mechanism of your own injuries. Take the names and phone number of any witnesses as they may be key in helping support your version of the events. Don’t worry as to whether you are at fault or not; let a free accident lawyer consult evaluate that issue.
- Q. How much does car insurance go up after an accident?
- This depends. Insurance rates vary by person, and definitely here in Texas, insurance companies can raise rates after accidents. Obviously, one accident is quite different than multiple accidents. The other major issue is who is at fault. Being at fault can have a very negative impact on your insurance rates. Speak with a lawyer about at fault issues, as you may be able to dispute claims of fault.
- Q. Can you sue someone after a car wreck?
- Everyone has rights under Texas law, and that includes the victims in a car accident. Especially if you or your passengers have suffered an injury, you can definitely sue. That said, the first step is to contact a car crash lawyer to evaluate your situation. A Harlingen accident lawyer will work with the insurance companies, first, to negotiate and it may not be necessary to go all the way to a trial. That depends, but you definitely want a lawyer who is not only based here in Harlingen but one who is good at trial and ready to fight for your rights against insurance.
- Q. What to do after a minor car accident in Harlingen or Hidalgo County?
- All accidents should be reported to your insurance company, but what constitutes a “minor” accident can really vary. Even a small accident can cause significant damage to your car. Don’t be the judge of what is “minor” or not when it comes to car wrecks or other types of automobile accidents. Reach out to the Rio Grande Valley team at Javier Villarreal law firm and let an experienced team evaluate your car accident and what to do next.
- Q. How to get a police report for a car accident from the Harlingen PD?
- If the police were called, it can take a few days for them to enter the police report in the system. While you as a citizen can request your police report from the Harlingen police department, a better step is to use an attorney. A team of hard-working car accident lawyers right here in Cameron County can handle all of this for you – from getting your police report, to negotiating with both your insurance and the insurance of the other party to get a fair settlement. Best of all: you pay nothing unless we win. This is called “contingency fee” and that is how car accident lawyers handle this process, if your case is accepted.
- Q. Why does it take so long to get a settlement in a car accident?
- This really depends on the complexity of the accident, the insurance, and whether it goes to trial. Every case is different and getting a settlement after a car accident can really vary. A few months is typical, but it can take much longer. The best step is to speak with a law firm that specializes in car accidents, and that team can give you the personalized advice based on your own injury car accident.
- Q. How to report a car accident in the City of Harlingen?
- If you are in a car accident in the Rio Grande Valley, simply dial 911. The best step is to call the police right after the accident vs. waiting. If the police come, they will do a report on the accident and this will provide official documentation as to what happened. Then, if you are injured or suffer any type of damage, an experience accident lawyer can help you fight against insurance to get the settlement you deserve. So, first, stay safe and do what is necessary for the physical safety of you and your passengers (as well as the other car or truck involved in the accident). Then, call 911 and the Harlingen police department. And, finally, call the offices of Villarreal Law Firm for a free, no obligation consultation with an accident lawyer.
A Free Attorney Consultation on Your Accident
Thousands of accidents happen every day, and quite a few here in Harlingen and Cameron County, and although you may have a small amount of knowledge regarding insurance claims and accident law, we encourage you to seek legal help. Personal injury law is complex and requires a team of professionals who works on it every day. If you miss something while handling the case yourself you risk losing money and not being able to pay for your damages. There’s also a chance that you have to battle large teams of adjusters and lawyers put together by insurance companies. The Villarreal Law Firm has the experience and knowledge required to level the playing field.
Free Case Review
Beginning in 2000, with the acquisition of a major tile mural, The History of Mexico and Mankind, Harlingen decided to develop a new park along the railroad tracks as a linkage between the two districts and home for this spectacular artwork. This new green space also anticipates the railroad’s eventual relocation out of downtown. Railroad relocation has been a topic for the City’s future plan for the Downtown District.
In 2003, the Harlingen Mural Project was created to develop more artworks on aspects of Harlingen’s history. One is a tribute to Bill Haley, grandfather of R& R who lived in Harlingen at end of his career. The Golden Age of Hollywood and Mexican Cinema features images of mid-century movie theatre’s and movie stars and there is a walking tour brochure that was recently created for tourists and locals to enjoy and learn about the many murals Harlingen has to offer.
Currently, the City of the Harlingen adopted the Downtown Revitalization Plan and included Downtown Harlingen in its comprehensive plan as an important asset to Harlingen’s future economic and cultural richness.